Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Post Catchup

So last week, the wheels fell off the bus.  There was a death of a friend that took us all by total surprise, preparation for a medical procedure this week (I'll be away from the 23-27th, but I'll try to get an intermittent post or two up), and lots of research for the DIY posts I have on the horizon.

So - you know, life totally got in the way of my posting!

There will be a couple goodies tomorrow and Wednesday, so look out for those, but otherwise -

Happy Monday!!

PS:  If you haven't already gone over, check out the Sunday Sweets on Cakewrecks, they are gorgeous and gothic and inspiring!

Also, if you're a person that likes to decorate cakes (like me) check out this link: where they have a free buttercream course.  Even if you've been doing it for years, why not learn some more tricks, right? 

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