Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Let the games begin:

Basic rules:

You make three definitive statements.  (Usually, 2 lies and one truth, but some people choose to do the opposite.)

First person to guess which statements are truth and which ones are a lie, wins.

Can be played as a drinking game, every time someone guesses wrong - they take a shot.  Sober person at the end wins.

Can be played as a family game, if a person stumps the entire group, the family splits up their chores for the week.

Can be played for fun, First person to stump the entire group is President, second VP, etc. on down the cabinet line.  Guess who gets to make decisions the rest of the night?

So, my turn:

I had a dog  named Bear as a child.
I have 21 first cousins.
My first word was "gumbo".

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