Hello all and Happy November!
I hope you all enjoyed your extra hour of sleep, I know I did! We had a very busy and productive weekend at our house. First Halloween in the new house was a little bit of a let down. We have a lot of kids in the neighborhood but we only saw about 40 of them. It was so cold parents were driving their kids to each block then rolling alongside as they ran up to the houses for candy. Kids skipped some houses simply because it was too cold and they wanted to ride in the car for a bit. Parents tag-teamed the duty of walking with the kids to the front door. I hope next year is a bit warmer - we have a ton of leftover candy at this point. I bet we're not alone!
Saturday, the entire family worked on cleaning up the garage, sorting tools, and figuring out the organizational system we're going to install. It ended up being a great day capped off with a visit to Home Depot. We took the kids and by the time we left, my husband was asking if I remembered the blow darts for them. It was pretty funny (to me). So now we just need to install the system and make a couple repairs to existing storage items, and the garage will be empty! So we can park there when the winter weather hits in full - and y'all, it's coming.
We also figured out a plan for the laundry room! It won't be the final version of the laundry room, but right now it's just not functional. We need to move into it as it is for now, then renovate in a few months or so. I'm ok with working rooms not being painted and perfect.
My next goal will be to spend some time and attention on the office, sun room, and main family living room. They are in states of 75% completion and it would be a relief to have them complete by Thanksgiving! So, that's the plan.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, we have to figure out how we're going to make all of this work. We have two (or three) potential family get-togethers and while it doesn't look like I'll be able to host this year (my grandmother's dining set is still in North Carolina and I have no way of retrieving it right now), I'm hoping that we can at least have some small friendly events before the year end.
Did I mention I'm writing a book? As part of the NaNoWriMo project, which I did in 2012 as well, I am going to write every day and hopefully finish a short story / novella of 50,000 words by the end of the month. It may not be stellar, but it will be mine! It's a good goal and should also help me improve this blog. So - good for you as well, right?
I will warn you, this month may consist of a lot of recipe ideas. Mostly because I like to experiment around the holidays with new things. I also have some new kitchen toys I'm dying to play with, so what better than to create some yumminess to share with you?
If you're curious about the dining room leak - it's still not handled. We have to get someone out to inspect the exact cause of the leak in the bathroom. Then we can talk to the insurance company about how we're going to pay for the fix. Maybe Santa will give us an early gift? Otherwise, we'll continue showering in the main hall bathroom.
So that's it for me. What did you dress up as for Halloween? We didn't get to do costumes this year, so I'm living vicariously through you!
Bring on the recipes! We are trying to plan out our weekly meals a bit more (to have leftovers for lunch during the week while still being more healthy) and I need new things to try! :)
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