Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 days of Thanksgiving: Day 2

Today got so busy I feared I wasn't going to get to post today at all!  For those of you just tuning in, I'm trying to complete a mini-challenge to myself.  10 days of remembering all the good in my life.
As I stated before, it's kind of amazing if you think about it. Living in a country with so many freedoms and opportunities and we use them to complain about crap that probably wouldn't even register if we had to fight for food, warmth, and employment. Don't worry, I'm including myself in this. Especially living the DC bubble of political sewerdom, it's sometimes hard to remember the reasons to rejoice. 

So, from now through Thanksgiving, I'm going to make a point of publicly acknowledging some of the multitude of reasons I have to be thankful and happy. Yesterday, I was thankful for my life and health and the blessing that being me is most of the time. Not to be vain, but to be truly grateful for the lack of hardships I've had.

Day 1: Me!

Day 2:  My Hubby!

Today, I am ever so thankful for my husband.  Not just the fact that after 35 years I finally found him, but for who he is at his core.  He's a great provider and father, but more importantly he's a loving son and honest Christian man who is always trying to better himself.  He gets annoyed (who doesn't) but for the most part doesn't see the ill in others. 

He loves me for who I am.  Truly - overweight / perfect weight; sick / healthy; moody / pleasant - even when we are in the middle of an argument, he makes a point to remind me that he loves me and in the end there is nothing that matters more than that.

He makes me want to be a better person and encourages me, even if he doesn't want to :)

I love his kindness to others; his willing spirit to help; his punny sense of humor; his gorgeous eyes; his tall handsome self; and the list could go on for nauseating hours...

So I am thankful for finding someone this amazing to spend my life with; build a home alongside; and (God willing) raise a family together.  I pray I never take him for granted and he always knows how blessed I feel just knowing him.

What are you thnkaful for today?

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