Let's be honest. If this post was titled 10 days of complaining, you'd say it wasn't a long enough period of time. In the US, we're pros at the art of complaining. I'm not knocking other cultures - the French, British and a multitude of Middle Eastern countries have a pretty solid lock on the complaint as well. But if this were the Olympics, we're definitely one of the countries that places every time.
It's kind of amazing if you think about it. Living in a country with so many freedoms and opportunities and we use them to complain about crap that probably wouldn't even register if we had to fight for food, warmth, and employment. Don't worry, I'm including myself in this. Especially living the DC bubble of political sewerdom, it's sometimes hard to remember the reasons to rejoice.
So, from now through Thanksgiving, I'm going to make a point of publicly acknowledging some of the multitude of reasons I have to be thankful and happy.
Day 1: ME!
I'm not talking vanity here. When I think of the fact that I was born healthy and have continued (for the most part) living a fairly robust life, I have to be thankful. Sure I've had my fair share of medical challenges, you guys have been privvy to some of them, but in the large scheme of things - I'm in pretty good shape. I don't require special services to be ambulatory, speak, hear, see, or breathe. My brother is a hemophiliac, and while he is very blessed as well, I have seen him struggle. I've been around enough children with lifelong illnesses that I know childhood for them, while not necessarily bad, was not as carefree as mine.
So, I'm thankful for the me that is - all the parts of me (good and bad) that make me work. I'm thankful for the parts I hate (being too tall / too big / too everything) and the parts I love (being tall / talented / too everything). I'm blessed that someone with my skin color, my big mouth (yeah - I said it), and my faith not only can exist but thrive.
What are you thankful for today?
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