Wednesday, October 1, 2014

TimeSuck: Television and me

When you work full time, freelance, and have a family - you get a little busy.  Throw in the pets and projects, extended family, and friends - you get a LOT busy.

But then every now and then, you sit down and click on the television.  I have to admit there are some shows I really enjoy, but I have been actively trying NOT to watch many of them outside online streaming recaps. 

Do you realize how much time is lost in front of the television?  How many projects could get completed?  Games played?  Snuggles given?  Kisses enjoyed?  Friends visited and memories made?

There are some brilliant shows out right now (I won't list them for fear of tempting you) but none of them can be that important, right?

This includes you NFL.

So while it's a little distressing (but Walking Dead is coming back on!!!), I am going to try to continue not watching television for a little while longer.

We'll see what happens.

PS:  If you want to keep me up to date on Once, Castle, Haven, Revenge, How to get away with murder, Forever, Walking I probably wouldn't say no.  I read fast. :)

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