Monday, September 15, 2014

Williamsburg, weddings, and a funeral.

This post is a mash of things that will explain the whirlwind of life that kept happening while we were battle major events.  First, my husband took me to Williamsburg, VA in April for our anniversary.  I had never been.

It was WONDERFUL.  We'll go at least once more before the end of the year, I hope, to take advantage of our annual pass.  It was peaceful, interesting, and basically gave us a chance to be husband and wife again.  We had gotten so wrapped up in being future homeowners, vacating renters, parents, and employees - we barely had time to say, "I love you."  Which is NOT ok.

The trip was a nice reset and while I didn't take many pictures, here is one from our tour of the capital (which was enlightening) of Queen Charlotte.  She is one of the English nobility with a huge amount of controversy surrounding her.  I'll let you see the picture - then you tell me if you can figure out why. 

It's not a great picture, sorry... but I still think it's obvious.
Now, so this doesn't become a boring history lesson.  I will just link to some reading material. Before I do, I would like to note - I don't believe she was England's first (only) black queen.  I just think it's interesting hearing the racial controversy from so long ago.  These "sources" can be taken at whatever value you wish.  They are simply for curiosity purposes:;;

It does make you wonder when the whole debate will end, right?  Especially when I think of the looks my husband and I gathered while we were there. 

This is us (at Busch Gardens on the same trip.  Another place I had never been!): 

At any rate, that was April.  We also attended our second wedding of the year in April, another in June, and a fourth in July.  We actually attended our fifth (and possibly last) of this year two weeks ago.  Whew!  In another post we'll talk about the cakes I made for some of these events!

Between packing, moving, and closing on the house - these were welcome deviations from the routine of work all day, work at home, catch a little sleep and repeat.  The only thing that happened that broke my heart was in May.

I lost my dear friend and sister of my heart, Beth, to breast cancer.  She was a confidante, sister in Christ, and fabulous performer that I was blessed to share the stage with - and I will miss her forever.  She actually asked that Heather (our third in our onstage trio) and I come to her bedside on that final day.  Being there when she passed was devastating and yet an honor that she loved me enough to want me there.  I have always struggled with my father's dying unexpectedly in another country and never getting to say goodbye.  I think Beth knew that and I am thankful I got to tell her goodbye and how much I loved her.  I'm sure she (and my Dad and grandparents) are all looking down on me with love.  (and hopefully not shaking their heads too much at times)  I am grateful she is no longer in pain and can entertain our Lord with her clever wit and beautiful voice.

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