It starts to feel weird that he’s expected to buy us flowers, candy, card and take us to dinner… if not do more… but we’re expected to (at a minimum) reciprocate in kind, right? The thing is men could care less about flowers, candy and a card. Dinner is good and of course sex is great, but where is the real gift of love for them? So I started thinking, what would be things my husband (or any guy) might truly appreciate (and come to look forward to) on Feb. 14th? Here's my current short list:
Little love gifts for him:
If he likes beer, wouldn’t giving him a membership at a beer
of the month club be a great idea?
Craft Beer Club; Beerboxer or Microbrewed Beer of the Club might be good places to start.
Craft Beer Club; Beerboxer or Microbrewed Beer of the Club might be good places to start.
If he’s not into beer, check out Amazing Clubs - they have a large variety of “of the month”
clubs to choose from. Everything from Barbecue
Sauce to Cake to Cigars to Jerky to Sirloin is available. You know your guy – so you can pick! The nice thing is that this gift lasts more
than a single day and will remind him of you once a month when it comes to the
house. (Guys reading this, you might
check out Amazing Clubs as well to surprise her!)
What if your guy is an athlete? Runners go through their shoes every 300-500
miles. If he runs 5 miles or more a day,
that’s roughly 2 - 3 months for each pair of shoes. I bet he would really appreciate a surprise
of an extra pair of shoes! Even small
accessories like caps to run in and support items (my hubby uses K-tape) are
Want something more whimsical? Pay attention to his “fun” activities. Gamer?
Buy (or even pre-purchase) the latest game that’s coming out in his
favorite line of games. Pool Shark? Take him to the billiard shop and have a new
cue made for him. Or get accessories
like a carrying case and personalized chalk cubes. Board Game Lover? Visit Marbles or another specialized game
shop and get him a new challenging game – and be willing to play it with him.
Speaking of that – if your hubby is a gamer – offer to learn
the game and play with him (even if it’s not your thing). He’ll be surprised and you might be as well,
just in the bonding that happens alone.
These are just a few ideas, of course, and they can go hand
in hand with joint events like a couples massage, trip away or just an evening
at a local posh hotel with room service and breakfast in bed.
Now…I’m off to plan a surprise! Happy Wednesday and have fun planning.